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What are the pros and cons of polyester fabric?

Polyester stands out as a remarkably budget-friendly textile, especially when considering purchasing a new piece of upholstery for your home. To make an informed decision about the ideal upholstery for your home, it's crucial to familiarise yourself with the various types and styles available. Polyester, known for its stable synthetic composition, is frequently employed independently, showcasing versatility that extends to outdoor use as well.

Floral Fabrics Being Woven

Fabrics being woven, polyester based. See more floral fabrics by Yorkshire Fabric Shop here. 

When applied to a sofa, polyester exhibits effortless maintenance, ensuring a durable and comfortable experience. However, it's crucial to note that polyester has limited resistance to greasy food stains and oil contact, presenting a significant consideration when contemplating a purchase.

This blog post aims to assist you in making informed decisions about incorporating home furnishings. Here, we'll delve into the pros and cons of a polyester couch, offering insights that are essential for your consideration.

Polyester based fabrics pattern CTR-889

Chinaz pattern fabric, made from 100% Polyester view the range here

Pros Of Polyester Fabric:

A sofa crafted from polyester-based fabric offers an exceptionally reasonable price point compared to other materials.

Given the affordability of polyester itself, opting for a sofa made of a polyester blend becomes an attractive choice for those seeking both durability and cost-effectiveness. The resilience of polyester sofas against abrasion and discoloration ensures enduring quality and aesthetic appeal.

Moreover, modern polyester-upholstered sofas are designed to be breathable. Unlike the past, where sitting on a polyester couch for extended periods might lead to discomfort and a feeling of dampness, advancements have made these sofas more breathable. This innovation actively prevents the accumulation of sweat, allowing for a more comfortable and enjoyable seating experience over the years.

Cons Of Polyester Fabric:

Polyester sofas are susceptible to heat. Due to the synthetic nature of polyester fibres, they lack the heat tolerance found in natural materials. Consequently, when exposed to hot substances, the upholstery may scorch, burn, and even melt. The best approach to safeguarding furniture with polyester is to steer clear of heat sources altogether.

Over time, a static charge is likely to accumulate on your furniture. As a synthetic upholstery material, polyester is prone to generating static electricity. This becomes evident when you sit on the soft furnishing and make slight movements, leading to a buildup of charge that can result in a surprising shock. Minimising the presence of conductive items around the couch is advisable to further reduce the associated risks.


Yorkshire Fabric Shop

In discussions about polyester, the focus has predominantly leaned towards its positive aspects when incorporated into furniture. Its affordability and notable strength make it a favoured choice. Manufacturers seamlessly integrate polyester with other fabrics, harnessing the combined benefits to create enhanced products and this blending often results in superior outcomes. However, it's worth noting that while both natural and synthetic fibres can pill, the latter tends to undergo more pronounced wear and tear with time and therefore fabrics composed of longer fibres are generally less prone to this issue.

If you are now swaying towards polyester for your next upholstery project make sure to explore our fabric selection here. If you have any questions about our fabrics and would like to speak to one of the team you can contact us on 01924 728 753 or email us at


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