What Are The Five Different Types Of Textiles?

What Are The Five Different Types Of Textiles?

Textiles are created from fibres and threads from natural or artificial materials. Textile includes threads, cords, nets, and a lot more. Textile fibres are made into fabrics using different methods like weaving, knitting, and felting.

The number of steps involved and the speed of production determine the cost of the fabrication process. To simply put, the fewer the steps and the quicker the process, the cheaper the fabric.

Sometimes, it is tough to differentiate textiles from fabrics but this should not be the case. Look on the table below to know their differences:


- Can be created from fibre, yarn, or fabric or a combination of the two

- A term used in the whole clothing and upholstery industry

- Can be a finished or unfinished product

- All textiles are not fabrics



- Can be created from non-woven fibre or yarn by weaving or knitting

- A general term used only for upholstrey

- A finished product

- All fabrics are textiles

Textiles come in different forms. Let us discuss the five different types of textiles


Five Types of Textiles

Basically, textile fabrics can be classified into two: Natural fibre and man-made fibre.


Natural Fibres

Natural fibres come from plant and animal fibres. They are eco-friendly and renewable. Also, natural fibres are light and biodegradable. Developments in technology allow natural fibres to be transformed into usable fabrics.


1. Plant-based

Over the years, using fabrics made from plants have become a trend. More manufacturers prefer using plant-based textile fabrics as they are environmentally friendly.

Here are some of the best plant-based textile fibres:

• Abaca or Manila hemp

• Cotton

• Coir

• Hemp

• Linen

• Ramie


2. Animal-based

Textiles made from this fibre usually come from the fur or skin of animals. These fibres are woven or knitted to create jackets, blazers, coats, and other clothing.

The common sources of animal fibres are sheep, goats, rabbits, and camels as their fibres are very soft. On the other hand, fibres coming from horses, pigs, and cows are less soft.


Man-made Fibres

Man-made fibres can be cellulosic, semi-synthetic, or synthetic.


3. Cellulosic

Cellulosic fibres are extracted from the cellulose found in woody plants. This material is mixed with caustic soda and carbon disulfide then processed through a spinneret to create the fibres.

Viscose is the most common type of cellulose.

The production techniques of cellulosic fibres are viscose, modal, lyocell, and, recycled man-made fibres.


4. Semi-synthetic

Semi-synthetic fibres are created from natural materials and are reformed by chemical processes. Some of the semi-synthetic fibres are Acetate, Triacetate, and Promix.


5. Synthetic

Fabrics that are formed through a chemical process is called synthetic fabrics. This fibre is chemically built from gas, alcohol, water, and petroleum.

Synthetic fibres are cheaper and can be a replacement for natural fibres. With this, the demand for synthetic fabrics has dramatically increased.

One of the major problems with man-made fibres is the involvement of toxic materials in the manufacturing process. These harmful substances cause damage to the environment. Today, experts are working on discovering an eco-friendly process.

Textile has many uses. From houses and offices to cars and buildings, textiles are part of our every day lives. The Yorkshire Fabric Shop has an abundant supply of textiles. Whether you like natural or man-made textiles, we have it for you! What are you waiting for? Come and take a look at our shop and website now!

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