Cosy Up Your Home This Autumn With Our Range Of Curtains & Blinds

Cosy Up Your Home This Autumn With Our Range Of Curtains & Blinds

With the changing season, it's that time again to transform our homes into warm and inviting sanctuaries, perfectly tailored for the impending winter chill. The soft, golden hues of falling leaves outside signal the need to cocoon ourselves indoors, embracing the cosiness of our interiors.

In this guide, we'll explore the art of transforming your living spaces into snug retreats, and discover how to infuse your home with that warm and cosy winter feeling using our wide range of bespoke curtains and blinds.

Curtains and Roman Blinds can play a significant role in adding warmth to your home during the winter months. From the correct insulation, to making sure your window dressing offers visual warmth, we have discussed our top tips for choosing the perfect new curtain or blind for your interior this season below so make sure to keep reading!


Choose Effective Insulators

Thick, heavy curtains act as insulators, helping to keep the cold air outside and prevent heat from escaping through your windows. When drawn closed in the evening, they create a barrier that reduces drafts and minimises heat loss, making your room feel warmer and more comfortable. Our high-quality thermal lining not only offers exceptional insulation to your curtains and blinds but also adds an element of elegance to your interior decor. Designed to reduce heat loss during the frosty winters and provide relief from the occasional summer heatwaves our thermal lining can be used year round and isn’t just an option for winter. 


Experiment With Pooling

Another important aspect to consider when re-dressing your windows is sunlight. When sunlight streams in during the day, curtains can be opened to allow the sun's natural heat to warm up your home. Then, as the sun sets and temperatures drop, closing the curtains helps trap the heat generated during the day, maintaining a cosy environment. If you are looking to lock in as much heat as possible from the daylight hours we would recommend using pooling which is the gathering or bunching of the curtain fabric at the bottom of the curtain, typically on the floor. This style choice can create a luxurious and elegant look for your curtains, but it will also help to create an extra barrier to stop valued heat escaping.


Embrace Your Individuality

Whilst all of the practical aspects to curtains and blinds are important, your individual style must also be represented throughout your interiors (including your windows). When trying to embrace individual style it is also important to pay attention to the texture, colour, and pattern of curtains and blinds as this can also contribute to the perception of warmth in a room. Choosing rich, warm colours like deep reds, earthy browns, or soft oranges can create a visual sense of cosiness, but if this is not your style try adding texture to your windows with a pattern or deep-pile fabric which will also mimic the same cosy vibe.


Roman Blinds Above Radiators

Have you ever wondered why radiators are always placed below your windows? Windows often let in a cold draft from the outdoors but radiators help to combat this draft by releasing warm air. Roman Blinds can therefore be strategically placed in windows where radiators are present to prevent heat being trapped by long draping curtains. By strategically using Roman blinds above radiators in combination with other energy-saving measures, you can create a more comfortable and energy-efficient living space while reducing your heating costs.

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Overall, curtains and blinds are a versatile and practical element in home decor that can enhance both the physical and psychological warmth of your living spaces during winter, making them an essential component of your winterizing efforts. With over 5,000 curtains and blinds in stock, we are sure we will have the perfect fabric for revamping your windows this winter so make sure to click here to view our full range of blinds and curtains!

If you have any questions about our fabrics or bespoke curtains and roman blinds please don’t hesitate to contact one of the team on 01924 728 753 or at

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